Golden Hours at KSP Writers’ Centre

Sunday Blog 136 – 18th May 2024

I’ve got one more glorious week ahead of me at KSP Writers’ Centre, after an entire week immersed in this beautiful place. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Katharine Susannah Prichard (KSP) was an Australian writer and co-founder of the Australian Communist Party. Born in 1883, she mainly lived in this house in Greenmount in the Perth hills from the 1920s until her death in 1969.

The KSP Writers’ Centre was established in 1985 and dedicated volunteers have lovingly restored, maintained and improved it. Three writers’ cabins were constructed which mimic the one she had built in 1930. Trying to write in her house with a busy family and activism schedule was impossible, so she had a cabin built just for her. Our cabins are very like hers but bigger to include our own bathroom and toilet. Two other writers and I are staying here for a fortnight on a Fellowship. We look out over the twinkling lights of the Perth skyline from our writing desk, bump into each other in the kitchen, share progress and talk book structure. Right down to every cell, I feel my luck.

Being a KSP Fellow means I can go into the actual house, so I do. I open it up every day. Let the breezes through, sit in the spaces she sat, write in the places she wrote. I’ve even done yoga in the library.

In my ideal world, I would have cleared my calendar in time for this fellowship. In the real world, however, the day job demands continue. But in the blessed synchronicity that life can sometimes offer, my two writing companions also have life demands that can’t be completely turned off for two weeks. It’s helped me come to peace about my reality, something I’m not good at. So I’ve followed James Clear’s advice to set small, achievable goals. I write for one hour each day, then I can do whatever else I want/need to do. No beating myself up for having to put the pen down and join an online meeting or even leave this haven to do things that must be done. I’ve just written for an hour every day, and it’s been magic.

Mother’s Day Melange

Sunday Blog 135 – 12th May 2024

Today was Mum’s first Mother’s Day since she moved into a residential aged care facility. How we had wanted to keep her in her own home, but it was not to be. So we did what we could to create a home-like morning tea. “I wish I could see it,” Mum said, so we described the egg sandwiches, the special teacups and saucers, the pink iced cakes.

Morning tea merged into lunch, then Mum and I napped in her room. I roused myself and left to get on with my Sunday Blog, found myself a beautiful spot by the river. And then I saw the empty battery on the laptop with me. It declined my power bank’s kind invitation to charge it. Handwriting is fine but I need to get an image right before I can blog, so I ended up writing random notes about passing people. I was then a bit late getting to the Mother Nurture Activate Saplings event where my daughter was playing. Ah, my beautiful daughter who made me a mum. What a sweet joy to listen and sing and dance along to her music. Mother Nurture was the name of a long-ago volunteer group I joined when she was two, and then I recycled the name for a post-natal depression group for new mums struggling to bond with their babies (now called Mother Baby Nurture). I took a picture of the sign, tucked it away into my Mother’s Day.

At the end of the gig, I raced back home to plug in the laptop and get going with the Sunday Blog already. My eye fell on the picture of us I’ve had on my desk for several months—my daughter and I, when she was just three. We’d been displaced from our home and we were making the best of it in our new home, a secure apartment block. 22 years ago on 10th May 2002, just before Mother’s Day, someone invaded our little home and changed it forever. It never truly felt like home again. But I remember that photo being taken by my sister, who had come to visit us in our new digs. I can still feel my daughter’s body against me, my hands resting on her little shins. 

Fancy morning tea in an aged care facility, a photo taken in the sunshine. These disjointed moments can still be sewn back together – by the incredible luck of just having loved ones together, moving forward, always moving forward. 

Laziness does not exist

Sunday Blog 134 – 5th May 2024

As someone who listens to Tara Brach regularly, the first time I heard her quote Trappist monk Thomas Merton about the violence of activism and over-work, I was shocked. Like she’d thrown a bucket of cold water over me in her comforting voice. Surely this could not be right?

If you are familiar with Tara Brach’s podcasts, they are recordings of her talks and tend to be repetitive—the same jokes and anecdotes, but in endless different combinations. I just love listening to her, and over time the shock of this quote gave way to little tiny green shoots of “maybe this is right.”

Then this week I’ve been listening to a We Can Do Hard Things podcast episode entitled “Laziness does not exist.” I’ve been marinading in this slowly growing insight that doing too much is, well, innately violent.

So I’ve decided I’m going to do Sunday bites—short posts each Sunday, more like an image with a caption, and a longer Sunday Blog on the last Sunday of the month, to dig in a bit more deeply but also go more gently.

While I’ve got you, I’m excited to be a 2024 Katharine Susannah Prichard Fellow. I get to stay at the KSP Writers Centre from 13th to 25th May, inclusive.

I’m hosting a Shut Up and Write on Friday 24th May (for writers in any genre), followed by a Sundowner. Cheese, soup and cake will be on offer – BYO other goodies. There is a $5 entry fee, which will be donated to the KSP Writers Centre.

The picture shows Katharine Susannah Prichard looking out from the window, much like I will be from my cabin over the two weeks Fellowship. In between furious morning writing, of course.

I found this image on Nathan Hobby’s website – in case you haven’t read his excellent KSP Biography, the WA Premier’s Book of the Year 2023 The Red Witch, I highly recommend you get hold of it and read it!

May your week be mellow and full of naps.

Pro-Social, not Anti-Science

Sunday Blog 133 – 28th April 2024

In readiness for the forthcoming Health Consumers’ Council Book Club event with Susannah Fox, I’ve been reading Rebel Health, a Field Guide to Patient-led Revolution in Medical Care. My biggest take away so far is the importance of this distinction as a patient advocate – I am not anti-science—I am pro-social. What this means to me is that I believe in the vital importance of patients, family members & carers and lived experience advocates to be decision makers in all aspects of how our health system works. I believe the way we care for each other in our communities helps us to stay healthy. I also believe that there are many incredible treatments and passionate, caring clinicians who are keen to help us with our health issues. We need to work in partnership where we can, but rebel when the door is locked against us.

A Four Corners episode on spinal surgery leaving people much worse off was confronting.

It all starts with us as patients giving informed consent. But how do we manage the yawning gap of medical knowledge between our surgeons and ourselves? How can we ask the right questions when we don’t know what we don’t know?

Do we understand what we are hoping to get out of the surgery, about what’s important to us? Are we eager to buy a “quick-fix” solution to our problem? Will we be able to stop and think? Will the expensive fifteen-minute appointment with our specialist, that perhaps we’ve waited months for, be enough time to fill in all the gaps?

Everyone’s circumstances are unique, and yet five questions can be all that’s needed to guide us towards the right solution.

  • Do I really need this test, treatment or procedure?
  • What are the risks?
  • Are there simpler, safer options? (e.g. physiotherapy, lifestyle changes)
  • What happens if I don’t do anything?
  • What are the costs?

I would add to this:

  • Take someone along to the appointment so they can take notes or record conversation on the phone to reflect on afterwards.
  • Get a second opinion—this may not please your surgeon. Don’t worry about that. You have to live with the consequences for the rest of your life. They may never see you again after the surgery is done. (I did a whole blog on second opinions you may want to dip into)

The last word belongs to the two doctors who wrote Hippocrasy—How Doctors Are Betraying Their Oath.One author, Ian Harris, appeared on the spinal surgery Four Corners episode.


Sunday Blog 132 – 21st April 2024

It would seem that I’m leaning towards Ghandi’s misquoted wisdom of being the change you want to see in the world. Actually, he didn’t exactly say that. The full quote is as below, but I’ve edited it so it includes women:

“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As we change our own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards us. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”

Mahatma Ghandi

But whatever the origin of the quote, I’ve been tackling both sleep hygiene and sober curiosity, in one fell swoop. The sleep hygiene has come in leaps and bounds since I banned tech from the bedroom. As well as getting several unbroken night’s sleeps in a row, there is another magnificent side-effect. Reading more. The rules of my bedroom digital detox allow me to read books before I go to sleep, and if I wake in the middle of the night. I’ve read so many books in the last month that I’m actually starting to make a dent it my To Be Read pile. I felt quite justified in buying three more books this weekend. Also, I now don’t enjoy the feeling I get when I start scrolling mindlessly during the day and I seem to have vastly reduced this time suck. More reading, less scrolling. Win, win, win.

The sober curiosity journey is three weeks long as of today. Luckily, the curiosity survived the week-long trip to Singapore, and even up the top of the Marina Bay Sands hotel. It also survived my attendance at a fiftieth birthday party last night. To be fair, I did leave rather early once the bottle of Nosecco was drained. Progress, not perfection, as they say. 

Both self-improvement kicks were inspired by listening to episodes of the Feel Better, Live More podcast by Dr Chatterjee from the UK. Long episodes, but they’ve been good while I’ve been driving about, marinading in all that positivity.

What about all this self-improvement? There’s a newness, like freshly sanded wood. My feelings are closer to the surface, jumbling and vying for attention. The discomfort in my consciousness of the (obscene) privilege of being able to travel, the unconscionable flying about hither and thither as the planet gets hotter and hotter. The wonder of rain in Singapore, and the endless greenery that comforts after the barrenness of a rainless Perth. The nurture of joining in a Friday night of mantra singing, returning to my Saturday yoga class after my away-from-home practice. Perhaps this miscellany has been cloaked in wine and choked by mindless scrolling. 

Hotel rooms

Sunday Blog 131 – 14th April 2024

While it may seem odd, I always make my bed when staying in a hotel. The room looks nicer every day and, in my humble opinion, you’re less likely to lose things. You can really enjoy the space all the time. This is perhaps influenced by the fact that, for me, a hotel stay is usually a working/writing holiday. I will usually spend some time at the desk in the room, developing something of a relationship. Plus, I always travel with my yoga mat and will do at least one lot of namaste-ing in the space. 

Currently, I’m in Singapore for a week’s working/ writing holiday. Singapore seems the kind of place where you need to be working. It’s business-like. No nonsense. It’s also a family holiday with darling husband. We’re visiting his son who lives in a lavish flat in the centre but was only here for part of the week. While awaiting him, darling husband and I have been discovering Singapore’s many gems, and staying in our own independent accommodation.

Not that I’m a control freak, but I didn’t actually take part in our choice of hotel. It was a fait accompli when I looked at some pictures on the booking app. I had some misgivings. Basic and depressing were two adjectives that came to mind. Brown was another. When the taxi driver dropped us there from the airport at two in the morning, he just asked “You’re staying here? How much are they charging you a night?” We were evasive, but perhaps warned before we walked in. The check in arrangements were simple. Nothing was locked, not the front door or our room door. 

I mean, our room wasn’t tiny. There were two desks, which is always a bonus for me. But the overwhelming brownness of everything wasn’t cheering, nor was the absence of bedside tables. Aside from the bedroom and bathroom, there was an ugly nook with a washing machine, desk and tiny cooking area. It boasted views of the surrounding apartment blocks—we were on the second floor—and even once, the arresting sight of a fellow traveller on the ground floor outdoor area, his shirt unwisely shed. 

Night two, through the paper-thin walls, a radio or TV blared until 3.30. It was a maddening vocal cadence, which must have been on a loop. Surely no-one could actually speak so relentlessly, for hours, at that speed and volume? I think eventually someone knocked on the door and the sound mercifully ceased long enough for some fitful sleep. The next morning yielded up the sounds of a guest retching over and over. I sincerely hoped it was the one who had been playing the racket until the wee hours.

Despite all this, in the room I’d written and worked. Without access to decent internet, I was tethered to its brown-ness. I even yoga’d plus used the room’s many disappointments as a yogic exercise in acceptance of what is.

But when my stepson returned from his work trip back to Singapore and had a room available for us in his magnificent central apartment for our last few nights’ stay, I couldn’t pack my suitcase fast enough.

When I leave a hotel room for the last time (with the bed made, of course) I usually thank the room. But this time there were no lingering moments, no namaste for the room. Not even for the gifts it taught me about (temporarily) accepting what is. I’m not even sure if there is a moral in this tale, but the view from the apartment as I tap out the Sunday morning blog is divine. Not a naked paunch in sight.

On this day 26 years ago

Sunday Blog 130 – 7th April

Diary Entry, 7th April 1998, 11 Olibiados Street, Thessaloniki

It’s the morning. I awoke at 4 feeling distinctly queazy after dreaming about eating a mouthful of dried Earl Grey leaves and then trying to get rid of them by washing them down with water.

Anyway, that plus the very vivid dreams I’ve been having over the last two nights finally forced me to buying a kit, which is sitting next to my breakfast plate showing PREGNANT!!!!! Egads!

How on earth will I tell the Tall One?


I remember one reason it took me a so long to buy a pregnancy test was the cost. I took my meagre drachmas from my teacher’s salary to visit the corner pharmacy to get a pregnancy test. Did I imagine the staff member raising her eyebrows at the foreigner? The Anglida? See her thinking “How typical!” Or was that just my outsider imagination?

I remember taking time to puzzle out the consumer information leaflet all in Greek, waiting for the result after peeing on the stick. Sounding out the words, looking at the diagram. One dot is negative, two dots positive.

Two dots appeared. Bright. Much brighter than the leaflet. Miraculous dots to me. I remember my 33-year-old face in the mirror, sitting atop its ticking biological clock body. My face was wild, lit up with joy. The yelp of excitement ricocheted around the empty bathroom. 

I still have this quote written out and attached to this journal:

For generations, women accepted the role of legitimizing humans through marriage to a man. They agreed that a human was not acceptable unless a man said so.

Clara Pinkola Estes. Women Who Run With The Wolves

That night I met Zoe’s dad, I could have stayed home. Kept away from the Salonica nightclub full of ex-pats, travellers and locals who like to hang out with foreigners (aliens). There were so many nights I stayed home, often preferring a good book to the techno beats, having to shout inanities over the music, feet sore from standing, wallet emptied round by round. I was 33 after all.

Maybe my teacher buddy Chris wouldn’t have come out that night so he could be the bridge that introduced us.

“You’ll like Ilias. He’s been to Australia.”

Those words wouldn’t have been spoken. Perhaps I would’ve returned home to Perth in December 1998 as planned, without my beautiful watery stowaway, my daughter, in utero. Perth in December heat after nearly a decade of wintry orphan Christmases.

What, then, would I have done with my empty, aching womb? How could I have enacted my millennium plan of becoming a solo mama? Turkey basting my way to parenthood?

Or what if I’d stayed with in Greece with Ilias? Swallowed the caustic dose of bitterness and resentment daily? Squashed my life down into the only size and shape Salonica and Ilias allowed women to take? Let my daughter be fully bilingual, while I forever stalled and stumbled through the tangled web of Greek language?

But yes. I’m glad I entered the nightclub that night. I’m glad Chris was there to make sure I met Ilias. And I’m glad I fled with two heavy suitcases and one beautiful half-Greek toddler, back to our charmed Australian life.

Photo – 10 September 2023 – me at 11 Olibiados, the flat where I did the pregnancy test. My beautiful 25 year old daughter is taking the photo. We’re just there on a quick trip to visit her father. It all worked out, even though it didn’t.

Banning tech from the bedroom

Sunday Blog 129 – 31st March 2024

This week, spurred on by a podcast on sleep hygiene and the horrors of incessant social media, I took decisive action. Definitely no devices in the bedroom. My iPhone, iPad and AirPods are now banished to the study to charge overnight. If I want to use them in the night, I have to get up, walk to the study and then taste the forbidden digital fruit there. Whilst I haven’t opted for a peg on the nose, that may yet come. I’m allowed to read analogue books in the bedroom—that is, paperbacks with real pages, but Kindle books are forbidden because, well, iPad.

It can’t be a coincidence that this resolve descended after a bout of Covid where I binge watched to the end of Succession (meh) and then to the end of the Crown series (excellent). By then, my eyes were on stalks and my ears almost forgot what it was like to be naked to the world, exposed to ambient noises. I arose from my sickbed and swept all electronics aside.

I suddenly saw the wisdom of the endless new book purchases I’ve made over the last few years, either at writing festivals, author events and of course, online. My To Be Read Pile is actually an entire shelf. I have re-badged my incessant impulse book buying as excellent planning for the self-created apocalypse of a digital detox in the bedroom.

I need all of those books from my literary version of doomsday prepping. My persistent habit of nighttime wakefulness is such that, if I wake in the morning and realise I have had an unbroken night’s sleep, I’m almost wildly jubilant. A bit like I’ve managed to successfully execute a headstand in yoga class without either the superhuman effort of puffing and blowing, or a wall as a ballast to prevent me from toppling. Actually, I don’t know what it’s like to execute a headstand without all the above, but you get the idea.

With the zeal of the newly converted, for three nights I stuck to my regime of banishing tech to the study. I have tiptoed up at some point each night at least for a bathroom visit and once I quickly did Wordle on the iPhone before guiltily heading back to bed. Luckily, I can bang on the light in bed and read as much as I need to drift back to sleep.

Then I upset my new regime by booking a getaway in a gorgeous little lodge in Collie with wonderful shared spaces but a tiny room. Tech simply cannot be banished. I’ve had a couple of slips (Wordle and Connections while still in bed) but mainly, I’m pleased to say, I’ve been reading. Maybe this new “me” might stick a little. Maybe I might try some daytime digital detoxing. Right after I master my headstand…

Reflections on coloured pens and dull meetings

Sunday Blog 128 – 24th March 2024

While I usually date my advocacy career as beginning with my daughter’s birth, in truth, I have always quite enjoyed sharing my opinions. I enjoy puzzling apart systems, how they work and what the puppet strings might be that are putting on the show we live with day in and day out. And I tend to think that everyone is entitled to my opinion.

Wherever it started, there were seven years when I held a senior health advocacy leader role. I went along to hundreds of long, long meetings about health reforms and policies and so forth. Full-time. Every day. Often for twelve-hour days.

My single unifying theory of life is that everyday people need to be at every decision-making table. But the corridors of power are full of talented, well-paid or well-resourced lobbyists. This arrangement privileges the voice of the self-interested, those invested in making a profit and/or maintaining the status quo above all else. The more sensible, disinterested everyday voice is usually absent.

So, dull or not, I needed to be at those meetings, a fly in the ointment constantly asking pesky questions such as how many patients or health consumers had been part of the initial discussions? I would know the answer to be none, but I would ask, anyway, point to the policies and frameworks the status quo had created that promised such engagement would take place.

Despite being convinced of the importance of being at these meetings, and appearing very authoritative, I rather shamefacedly always brought a pencil case with coloured markers to these very important meetings. As I listened to the speakers, I would underline or just doodle with beautiful colours and patterns.

Soul-searching about whether such Sisyphean work is effective was something I regularly indulged in at the end of a long week. Since Covid, I left the leadership role and now maintain about a day a week of this same sort of dogged, not entirely welcome work of health advocacy. The rest of the time is mine to write and create.
The coloured pens have vanished.

And then this week, listening to an episode of Revisionist History entitled In Triplicate, I realized again, anew, afresh why I have given, why I continue to give, so much of this lifetime to health advocacy.

It follows the contribution of health advocate Sid Wolfe. He noticed the Triplicate Program, established in California in 1939, required a triplicate prescription of every painkiller prescribed by a doctor. This meant there was a backup copy of each prescription, which could then be randomly audited. It created “the chilling effect” of observation and this impacted physician behaviour, decreased the level of prescribing. Knowing your prescribing practices will be audited will do that.

In the 1980s, before the scourge of Purdue Pharmacy’s aggressive marketing of Oxycontin, Sid Wolfe argued for the Triplicate Program to be implemented nationally. California, Texas, New York, Illinois and Idaho all implemented the Triplicate Program, and a physician from New York commented at the time; “I wish that anyone who opposes triplicate prescription programs could walk with me into the real world, where these regulations are saving lives.”

Purdue Pharmacy undertook their focus groups before their blitz of marketing of Oxycontin; and they elected to avoid those five states where the Triplicate Program was in operation. The result? Significantly fewer deaths and resultant social harms inflicted by the now-disgraced and bankrupt Purdue Pharmacy. (If you haven’t watched the 2023 Netflix series Pain Killer or Hulu’s Dopesick, I would recommend).

So I still sit at these tables, I still hold the faith that bureaucratic solutions which are painfully slow and boring to enact, will support the safety of everyday people from the rapacity of some elements of our health system.

But now, I don’t need to take my coloured pens with me. I get to colour all the other days of the week.

If you want to listen to the episode in full, you can find it here.

On lying about being the outdoor type

Sunday Blog 127 – 17th March 2024

The incomparable Joan Didion wrote, “I’ve lost track of a few people I used to be.” It sounds witty and funny and kind of relatable until its profound truth smacked me in the face from my old journal. My words from August 2002 stare back at me from a journal I hand wrote. In it, I expressed “my urge to play golf.”

I have no idea what happened to the whimsy of golfing, have no recollection of wanting to play the time-honoured game, also known as “a good walk spoiled.” I know at the time I was half-crazed with the cabin fever of a solo mother with a three-year-old, and perhaps the concept of sauntering around a pleasant grassy hour for hours on end was the appeal.

The same diary entry indicates my similar urge to “camp.” That I do remember, and how my initial enthusiasm was curbed by the long walk to the ablution block at night. I would look longingly at the cabins in the campground, but what was the point of that? Darling husband insists (jokingly, of course) that I promised to camp in our wedding vows. I didn’t, but the celebrant who had carefully researched our shared interests and dreams, mentioned it in the ceremony, my interest in camping captured like a bug in amber. Each anniversary is an opportunity for him to remind me of my broken vow, my false promises.

Fast forward a decade or two and my self-knowledge still seems quite elusive. In 2022, I booked a weekend of creativity and walking months in advance. Sure that I’d spend the intervening months getting “match fit” with regular walks and even hikes, I clicked the button and leaned back in my chair, feeling confident and already a little hardier. What really happened was that on the way to the retreat, I screeched into the car park of a large shopping centre, then quickly (time was of the essence), I spent an eye-watering amount of money buying hiking boots and trousers, and “I’ll take the socks too thanks”. The assistant may have been on commission, and I greedily accepted all of her cross-selling and up-selling suggestions. She was beaming by the time I left.

There were three walks on that retreat, but I only did one of them, the least punishing one. But I looked mighty fine in my hiking boots and trousers.
And then there’s yesterday, Saturday morning, which I decided was the day I would finally start doing laps in the ocean. Having procrastinated away most of the Summer, just as the season is turning, I could deny the urge no longer. As I packed my swimmer’s bag, I visualised myself slicing through the calm ocean water. Sure, I would start small, just from the groyne to the pontoon and back. I should make that relatively short distance, there and back, without stopping.

What actually happened was that I managed a fairly brisk freestyle stroke for, oh, about 15 metres before stopping altogether, then, gasping, carrying on with breaststroke. There were many more stops between the pontoon, alternating between bursts of freestyle and lags of breaststroke, and a moment or two just floating and gasping. I made it there and back, emerging from the water heaving with the effort.

Will I do it again? It’s too early to call, although this morning I’d reverted to my short walk and a dip in the ocean before coffee. I left the goggles and racing bathers at home.

This chastening gap between who I really am and who I want to be is, well, chastening.
But even now, there’s a corner of me that thinks maybe it’s a bit late in the season for swimming but what if I just purchase me some walking poles to go with my hiking boots? Surely, I will automatically become a regular hiker, one that strides ahead, never complains, waits patiently for the ones lagging behind. Surely I won’t be the one sweating, cursing and bringing up the rear? Or the one staying at home reading a novel?