Colourful in Quairading

Sunday Blog 145 – 21st July 2024 There’s nothing like hitting the open road, leaving the city behind. After much longer than I’d planned, I was back in the Q. Quairading. The previous visit was May 2022 when I managed to jag World Labyrinth Day. Did I mention Quairading has a labyrinth? Were you already …

Could I obsess over quality?

Sunday Blog 143 – 7th July 2024 Is it just me, or are podcast episodes by men always at least one hour long? I mean, who’s got the time? While the lovely Rangan Chatterjee’s Feel Better, Live More podcast has “bitesize” episodes that are just under twenty minutes, I listened to a whole one this …

Golden Hours at KSP Writers’ Centre

Sunday Blog 136 – 18th May 2024 I’ve got one more glorious week ahead of me at KSP Writers’ Centre, after an entire week immersed in this beautiful place. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Katharine Susannah Prichard (KSP) was an Australian writer and co-founder of the Australian Communist Party. …

Banning tech from the bedroom

Sunday Blog 129 – 31st March 2024 This week, spurred on by a podcast on sleep hygiene and the horrors of incessant social media, I took decisive action. Definitely no devices in the bedroom. My iPhone, iPad and AirPods are now banished to the study to charge overnight. If I want to use them in …

Reflections on coloured pens and dull meetings

Sunday Blog 128 – 24th March 2024 While I usually date my advocacy career as beginning with my daughter’s birth, in truth, I have always quite enjoyed sharing my opinions. I enjoy puzzling apart systems, how they work and what the puppet strings might be that are putting on the show we live with day …

On lying about being the outdoor type

Sunday Blog 127 – 17th March 2024 The incomparable Joan Didion wrote, “I’ve lost track of a few people I used to be.” It sounds witty and funny and kind of relatable until its profound truth smacked me in the face from my old journal. My words from August 2002 stare back at me from …

Middle of the night musing

Sunday Blog 117 – 7th January 2024 Middle of the night musing Perhaps I am strange but I love the gap in the night between my first sleep and my second. A sweet pause where I am refreshed and delivered into the deep quiet of the night. Nothing to do. A clear schedule. Once I …