Re-reading Jane Austen

Sunday Blog 140 – 16th June 2024 I’m guessing the very first time I read Pride and Prejudice (P&P) I was 16, when the excellent 1981 TV series first aired. I remember the copy we had in our family library. Our shelves were stuffed with classic fiction, poetry, and history. How I loved the small, …

On this day 26 years ago

Sunday Blog 130 – 7th April Diary Entry, 7th April 1998, 11 Olibiados Street, Thessaloniki It’s the morning. I awoke at 4 feeling distinctly queazy after dreaming about eating a mouthful of dried Earl Grey leaves and then trying to get rid of them by washing them down with water. Anyway, that plus the very …

Banning tech from the bedroom

Sunday Blog 129 – 31st March 2024 This week, spurred on by a podcast on sleep hygiene and the horrors of incessant social media, I took decisive action. Definitely no devices in the bedroom. My iPhone, iPad and AirPods are now banished to the study to charge overnight. If I want to use them in …

Sydney with Taylor

Sunday Blog 124 – 25th Feb 2024 The last time I was in Sydney was before Covid. Finally I’m back, travelling for work, accidentally coinciding my visit with Taylor Swift. As I wait at the Artisan Hotel off Pitt Street for my dinner companion I think about it all. The Sydney streets had become smudged …

Giving Up The Ghost

Sunday Blog 104 – 1st October 2023 While I was away on holiday, I took two actual physical books. One of them was a copy of Hilary Mantel’s Giving Up the Ghost: A Memoir, which details her struggle with endometriosis. I was too mean to lend it to my husband after he finished his one …

Reflections from the city of ghosts

Sunday Blog 103 – Sunday 24th September It always takes me some time to “arrive” once I return from a trip. One of the biggest mysteries of travel to me not just exploring new places, but also being once again in places that you were before. It’s like re-reading a book over time, when you …

An Independent Greek Holiday

Sunday Blog 102 – 17th September 2023 It’s there in my Vision Book – “I allow myself to have regular independent Greek holidays with Zoe.” My beautiful half-Greek daughter. This year, finally I have achieved this. And it was absolutely in every way worth the wait. It’s a complicated life path to here – Greek …