Sunday Blog 86 – 28th May 2023

Last week at our Saturday morning yoga class, we did a lovely flow sequence where we began and ended in a kneeling position. We cycled through a range of mantras such as “I reach with trust”, “I move forward with enthusiasm”, “I open myself up to possibilities”, “I surrender to peace”, and finally, “I honour life”.
It is so easy to forget that life is a gift. So many pressures and distractions morph into a sense of immortality, as if death is something that happens to other people.
I’m on another Howards End jag, marinading in the discussions in the novel that I love. “Death destroys us, but the idea of death saves us.” In other words, we’re nicer people when we remember that all this is impermanent.
I’ve dedicated the last few days to birthday lunches, a quick writing getaway and scrolling through kind birthday messages. (Sometimes I think I like Facebook best when I have a birthday.)
And I haven’t forgotten to feel so very grateful for another turn around the sun.