Artist Dates

Sunday Blog 36 – May 15 2022 a weekly expedition to explore something that enchants or interests you Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, in a 2015 blog About seven years ago I got serious about that classic book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and began my Morning Pages (three pages of hand-writing …

Labyrinth not a maze…

Sunday Blog 31: 10th April 2022 I have found myself once again obsessed with labyrinths. It must be the extra time I’ve had this week to reflect on unusual topics in the wide expanse of my first week after leaving my job. People often use the term maze and labyrinth interchangeably – but a maze …

The eerie quiet of the end…

Sunday Blog 30: 3rd April 2022 I’m not quite sure what kind of reception at home I expected after leaving my workplace for the last time. A marching band? A heroine’s welcome? But as I’m guessing Barack Obama experienced from time to time, home is not always the place to relish and celebrate workplace accomplishments. …