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Sunday Blog 112 – 26 November 2023

It’s the end of November and time to review my monthly goals, only to see my November goal “regular writing practice” mock me from the page. I was going to do my version of NaNoWriMo. In case you are not familiar with the abbreviation “NaNoWriMo”, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. It began in 1999 by setting the communal, audacious, hairy goal of writing 50,000 words of a novel project over the month of November. That equates to 1,666 (recurring) words each day. 

My cut-down version of NaNoWriMo only asked me to look at my memoir project for as little as 15 minutes every day. I didn’t even attain this modest goal, unless “regular” means achieving this one week out of four. Not the last time I looked.

I know from bitter experience that leaving a work alone for too long requires enormous energy, repeatedly, to get the flywheel rolling again. And so this, my 112th blog, two straight years of Sunday blogging is part-excuse note, part kick myself up the bum.

Yes, life can be difficult, and it’s not every month that your mother transitions from home into aged care. Yes, life can be busy, especially when one enjoys putting on fun but time-consuming events in the local neighbourhood. But still. Writers write. That’s it.

I’m back on the horse today at a new Shut Up and Write group. There’s nothing for it but a re-set.

Here’s to getting back to a good canter soon. Here’s to staying true to our dreams.

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